Tuesday, October 02, 2018

Making SWIFT changes

While browsing through the wide world of the web, I chanced upon several documents released by SWIFT over the last couple of years. One of the documents that I was happy to locate, and read from the first page to the last, was called “SWIFT Standards - Category 7 - Documentary Credits and Guarantees - For Standards MT November 2018-2019. Message Reference Guide. Advance information”. The document was dated 26 February 2016. Just what I’d love to preserve and have ready at hand on my computer. Of course, I read the document with considerable interest. My reaction, observations or suggestions, call it as you may, are based on this document and are as follows:

The first point I wish to draw the attention of SWIFT to, and my pet grouse, is .....(continued...)

[This article is continued in the book 'Beyond Trade Finance', published on 13-Apr-2021 by Notion Press, and available at https://notionpress.com/read/beyond-trade-finance or at https://www.amazon.in/dp/1638508666]