Sunday, May 19, 2013

Pre-payment, honour and bills of exchange

The terms honour and pre-payment were introduced to documentary credit operations for the very first time through UCP 600. The intended meaning of “pre-pay” appearing in article 12(b) has defied interpretation since its introduction and caused quite some confusion. A recent query on “pre-pay” and related issues came to the fore in the form of the following query on another forum. The query, presented in two parts, was as follows:
“Situation One
LC available with the confirming bank by acceptance; draft to be drawn on the confirming bank. Tenor of the draft: 120 days from the date of bill of lading. Additional condition: Despite the tenor of the draft being 120 days from the date of B/L, the confirming bank may discount the bill upon receipt of complying presentation at its counter and pay the beneficiary at sight. Discounting charge and confirming fee are on applicant's account.
Upon receipt of documents, confirming bank decided that the documents constituted a complying presentation. It discounted the bill as per credit stipulation and forwarded the documents to the issuing bank.
1.     Is the discounting function of the confirming bank equivalent to "honour" as defined in the UCP?
2.     If not, what other function remains pending at the counter of the confirming bank in order to term the transaction for having met the definition of "honour" (Article 2 of UCP 600)? (contd...)

[The complete article is available in the book 'Beyond Trade Finance', published on 13-Apr-2021 by Notion Press, and available at or at]

[i] Published in Trade & Finance, (under The State Administration of Foreign Exchange), March 2013, China.
[iv] Import of Goods and Services, RBI/2012-13/13 Reserve Bank of India Master Circular No.13 /2012-13 dated July 02, 2012.

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